
7 Nov 2010

Ode to the Transplantee

When once a healthy body stood; proudly displaying its wares
Oblivious of all of those sickly things; for which one does well to beware

Unbeknownst to the body’s mind; its cells sometimes see fit to tire
Beginning with a discreet decline; then progressing towards straits of dire

Masquerading at times, perhaps; as far less significant ails
Cell’s decline can be hard to detect; before a vast host come to fail

Once the fashion has been set by one; a cell’s neighbours may soon join the trend
Contributing to the snowball such; that health then continues descent

Yet still, whilst many cells have failed; the mind can remain ever fooled
Believing that all is still quite alright; that good health will soon be resumed

Unfortunately then and far from the truth; cell’s damage can oft be complete
Compromising body’s organs such; to knock one right off one’s feet.

Damage is frequently permanent; with organs doomed then to fail
Never again to operate; as once they did proudly regale

With illness becoming more severe; swift treatment is an absolute must
Requiring correct diagnosis, else; the alternative catastrophic bust

Those lucky enough to find treatment, thus; to save them from such a grave fate
By no means then are guaranteed; survival at all, at this stage

Extreme aggressive treatments may come; in hopes of avoiding “the knife”
As surgery remains the last bastion, of; hope when this tale is your life

Though often with best efforts, still; a transplant’s the ultimate goal
Dependent upon the generosity of; some other serendipitous soul

Psychologically then such a challenge; knowing this altruistic bequest
Requires the passing of the generous soul; before the benefit comes to invest

Surgery itself is aggressive; though by now, often the only choice
Even then, only for the lucky ones; still fit enough to endure this course

As the trauma of such a procedure; in the Cardio Thoracic domain
Can leave one replete with weakness; an intimate acquaintance of pain

Risks aplenty confronting; those who undergo any transplant
And usually a long laboured rehab; spanning over many weeks, or months

Lifestyle changes and drug regimes; now critical for the rest of one’s life
In order to protect the new organ; to keep good health and clear of strife

Though the impact of all of these actions; cast many shadows far and wide
Transplantees must make such adjustments; to honour the organ they now hold inside

With bitter sweet thought and reflection; for new life, but the loss of one too
Forever remembered the anonymous donor; who lived life and then gave life to you

2 Nov 2010

Reason for Breathing

I look inside my mind to find
A thousand things I’ve left behind
Nine hundred of which I should have said
Rather than taking them to my bed

Tossing, turning, digesting so
Incomplete thoughts thrashing to and fro
Neglecting opportunity to relax
I turn on myself and begin to attack

Dissatisfaction such a daily event
I request that my apathy, find time to repent
In order that I may once again find
Reason for breathing no longer declined